


We introduce you to Brooke. Performing for our cameras for the first time, this smoking hot red head proves that there’s no substitute for good training no matter the situation. She wants to go diving with her man and his friends but she’s not certified. She pleads with him to teach her. With him not being an instructor, he can’t. She doesn’t believe it. She thinks he just doesn’t want her to go along with them. While he’s in the house she sets up all the gear and calls for him to come out….as we join them they are talking about her not using the gear till she’s completed the course, which he has set up for her next week. He can’t stay with her today, he had to pick up extra shifts at work to pay for the classes. He has to go but makes her promise that she won’t use the gear without him there and she does, only to completely ignore that promise as soon as he is inside the house. A complete lack of training and knowledge about the gear will prove to be more than she bargained for in this new take on a fan favourite!