This is a question we have been asked many times. In most cases it means that the commissioning client did not pay a fee for the project to be kept from the public. Not every idea someone has however can be made into a marketable solution right away. Often times they have to be held, sometimes for a considerable amount of time before they can be released. Often times it is because the stories are tailored to one person or two people. And what they want to see is not precisely what the purchasing public wants to see and more importantly what they will purchase. So the footage and the final product have to be tailored to fit something that will appeal to the masses. There is also the fact that when we cut a custom for public release we do not want the version you see at the store to be more than half of the original product. This way the commissioning party or parties have something the general public does not. The whole story as it was written. With fewer and fewer optioning for the public release however it is becoming less and less of a topic. But one we hope you’ll now have a better understanding of the what and why regarding this type of custom project and it’s releasing to the public.